conference videos
6th May (Thursday)
Keynote – NANETTI A. 'Big Data' in Digital History and Cartographic Heritage into the Digital. Engineering Historical Memory as a Showcase.
Session 1
VAN EGMOND M. Visualizing the historical Utrecht skyline.
NANETTI A. Interactive Exploration of the Map of Imola (1473-1502, UK, Windsor, Royal Collection, RL 12284).
SCHAFFER G. The transformation of a Jerusalem urban brownfield site into an urban park.
TIMÁR G., VARGA N. The border triplex of Hungary, Romania and Serbia – a one-meter-wide stripe of the Yugoslav state and its representation in the border maps.
KREJČI J., CAJTHAML J. Database of extinct historical objects in the Vltava river valley.
HAJDÚ E., PÁL M. The digital reconstruction of hiking trail system evolution in the Mátra Mts, Hungary.
Session 2
GKADOLOU E., PRASTACOS P. Historical maps as a core element in Cultural Heritage applications: A CIDOC profile and an ARCHES application for Candia’s historical maps.
KUŹMA M., MOŚCICKA A., KUKLIŃSKA A. The quality of geographic names in librarian descriptors.
LIU D., XUE Y., CHEONG S.-A., KHOI V., NANETTI A. Information Visualisation for Digital History Participatory Solutions for Reviewing Best Practices.
NOVAK A., OSTASH V. Digitizing Historical Maps and their presentation in Online Map Collections.
PRIDAL P., KUCERA J. OldMapsOnline next generation.
Session 3
VARDAKOSTA I. Cooperation as a policy factor for strategic development of a geographical collection: the case of Greek academic libraries.
BRACKE W. Deposit or donation? Transfer policies in the framework of cartographic patrimony enrichment.
DENIS L., JANOWIECKI M., CHANO MURRAY R., POOLMAN L., BLAKE M. Making Cultural Heritage Interoperable: Lessons in Standardizing Metadata for Paper Maps, Geospatial Data, and Open-Source Software.
COWEN D. The Evolution of GIS Support in Academic Libraries.
7th May (Friday)
Session 4
PAZARLI M., DIAMANTIS K., GERONTOPOULOU V. Hackers in the Onassis Library! Unriddling Rigas Velestinlis' Charta of Greece (1796-7).
ROBLES MACÍAS L. Reconciled at last? Grids of latitude and longitude on two Ottoman portolan charts.
SVENNINGSEN S.-R., PERNER M.-L., LEVIN G., GROOM G. Investigating land area categories in large-scale historical topographic maps in relation to analysing landscape change: From 19th century military assessment of landscape trafficability to 21st century land use and land cover categories.
RANZI R., BALISTROCCHI M., BARONTINI S., PELI M. Land cover changes since the 19th century detected from old maps for environmental applications: toward a CORINE 1800 project.
Session 5
TIMÁR G. Georeference of Map of Denmark by Bugge and Wessel (1762-1777).
KUCERA J., MIKITOVA D. Georeferencing scanned maps with online community.
WALT R. Use the crowd - georeferencing of historical maps at ETH Library.
GEDE M., VASSÁNYI G., ÁRVAI V. Experiences of MRCNN in automatized map vectorization.
GROOM G., LEVIN G., SVENNINGSEN S.-R., PERNER M.-L. Dune Sand – Object based image analysis for vectorization of a dotted signature in Danish late 1800s maps.
Session 6
JOVANOVIC D., ORENI D. Historical cartography for Preservation projects in widespread heritage sites in Northern Italy.
POLO-MARTIN B. The study of accuracy of historical maps in Spain through GIS and MapAnaylist: digitalization and analyse of a relevant city from 19th to 20th century and its extrapolation to others.
SŁOMSKA-PRZECH K. The urban plot on a city plan – from cartographic source to historical map.
TSORLINI A., BOUTOURA C., PAGKALIDIS A.-P., PSAROGIORGOS M. Visualizing historical facts on maps created combining information from different sources.
IRÁS K., FARAGÓ I. Atlas of Medieval Settlements of the Hungarian Kingdom.
Session 7
GUSEV D., STAFEYEV S. Visualization and GIS Analysis of Ptolemy’s One-Sided Globe in the Old and Modern Contexts.
PANECKI T., BOREK A., KRÓLIK T. Development of the digital edition of Charles Perthées’s cartographic works from the end of the 18th century.
STAMNAS A., GEORGOULA O., PATIAS P. Mapping a cinematic journey: Christos G. Sakellaris trip to Greece in 1933.